Friday, December 28, 2007

News thoughts of theology

"The author of the content of this Web site is: José Andrés Cuadros Del Carpio".
The e-mail of the author is:
Another Web site of the author in Spanish is:
  1. The Eucharist is union of the divine, who is Jesus, with men, who they are those that eat his body in the wafer, all this only in the Catholic Church.
  2. It is necessary to trust in God and in his love more than in ourselves, because we are limited consciously, but God is perfect and limitless.
  3. It is not true that God loves the humanity althouhg we are limited and imperfects, but God loves us only because we are limited and specifically humble and imperfects.
  4. Only love can win to the death because love is God, for that reason if Jesus is love, then he could overcome to the death when resurrected, then Jesus is God, because he is love.
  5. Love must be an inexhaustible contagious constant in all your life. So we will understand what God always wants for us.
  6. The moral of the Catholic Church clears freedom to you for the bad things and it does not stop the good things.

    Next the commandments of the love that we propose is the following one, in importance order:

First: "To love God"

Second: "To love the neighbour or fellow"

Third: "To love myself"

This commandments is according to the life of Jesus Christ, specially according to his suffering that had by the humanity and his death.

Why does God allow the badly in the world?

This is because as we are sons of God and that imply to be to image and similarity of Him, then we are similar to It implies that it exists independence, dominion and autonomia of ourselves to decide and to make our own acts, therefore in this last one does not take part God.

It fits then the possibility that the human being makes and decides to do the badly, injustice, destruction, violence, etc.; in special in this world, where the man is who arranges, modifies and dominates. For that reason if exists the badly in the world it is because the man can decide to do the sin, the violence and the self-destruction, because the sin causes the death.
The badly and the death also occurs in this world when people live indifferent to God.

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