Monday, April 7, 2008

More Catholic teachings

"The author of the content of this Web site is: José Andrés Cuadros Del Carpio".
The e-mail of the author is:
Another Web site of the author in Spanish is:
  1. The love that is accessible to all is the greatest treasure that exists.
  2. In the love of truth reflects the power of Jesus Christ.
  3. Love itself is correct and accurate.
  4. Love is the most beautiful of the universe because that God is love.
  5. The ideal and perfect is that you never stop loving.
  6. The divine wisdom teaches you to live well, love.
  7. In the sky is greatly appreciates the act of love.
  8. For us the most important thing should be the divine love, always.
  9. The way of God is perfect because it is love of truth.
  10. From love of the Holy Trinity is all the greatness, beauty and perfection of the universe.
  11. God always wants to share his perfection that is his love.
  12. The act of love should be what most want to perform as well as common among us.
  13. Jesus is the person who most wants to be in your heart.
  14. The greatest manifestation of God's love for man was to become , in the person of Jesus Christ.
  15. Your heart is a spiritual site so beautiful, big and important that God always likes to be there.
  16. God loves you so much that preferred suffer and be humiliated as it was in Jesus Christ rather than all the human souls go to hell.
  17. The love of God always dominates the universe, as all the permits.
  18. For God is beautiful and important to reign in your heart, because it is part of his glory.
  19. For God there is nothing more beautiful you are happy in his love.
  20. God created us with the aim that we are successful and happy in his love.
  21. Whoever gives us the true and only happiness is Jesus Christ and this is true of the Catholic Church.
  22. The sacraments of the Catholic Church are available to all because it is part of the great power of the Holy Trinity.
  23. There is much to be thankful to God for his love, because love that gives us is infinite.


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